What Is The Foot In The Door Phenomenon?

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Foot In The Door Phenomenon slide share from slidesharetips.blogspot.com

Have you ever wondered why people tend to agree to larger requests after first agreeing to smaller ones? This is known as the foot in the door phenomenon, a psychological concept that explores the human tendency to comply with a request when they have already agreed to a smaller, related request.

The Basics of the Foot in the Door Phenomenon

The foot in the door phenomenon is based on the principle of consistency. It suggests that once we commit to a small action or belief, we are more likely to continue with larger actions or beliefs that are consistent with our initial commitment.

For example, imagine a charity organization knocking on your door. They might start by asking you to sign a petition for a cause you care about. Many people find it difficult to say no to this small request, especially if they feel strongly about the cause. After signing the petition, the organization might then ask for a donation. Research shows that individuals who have already agreed to sign the petition are more likely to donate, compared to those who were not approached with the initial small request.

The Role of Cognitive Dissonance

The foot in the door phenomenon is closely related to cognitive dissonance theory. Cognitive dissonance refers to the discomfort we feel when our attitudes and behaviors are inconsistent. Once we have committed to a small request, our desire to maintain consistency pushes us to align our attitudes with our behavior.

For instance, if we agree to sign a petition supporting a cause, we might start to develop more positive attitudes towards that cause to reduce the dissonance between our behavior and our beliefs. This positive attitude change then makes it easier for us to comply with larger requests, such as making a donation.

Real-World Applications

The foot in the door phenomenon has been widely studied and applied in various domains. Understanding this psychological principle can be beneficial in many areas:

Sales and Marketing

Marketers often utilize the foot in the door technique to increase sales. By first getting customers to agree to a small request, such as signing up for a free trial or subscribing to a newsletter, they can later ask for a bigger commitment, like purchasing a product. The initial agreement increases the likelihood of the customer making a purchase.

Behavior Change

Public health campaigns often employ the foot in the door strategy to promote behavior change. For example, a campaign aimed at encouraging people to exercise regularly might start by asking individuals to commit to a small action, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Once people have made this small change, they are more likely to adopt larger lifestyle changes, such as joining a gym or participating in regular exercise routines.


The foot in the door phenomenon is a powerful psychological concept that highlights our inclination to comply with larger requests after agreeing to smaller ones. By understanding and leveraging this phenomenon, individuals and organizations can effectively influence behavior and achieve their desired goals. Whether in sales, marketing, or behavior change campaigns, the foot in the door technique remains a valuable tool in the art of persuasion.