Unlocking A Door With A Hole In The Knob: Tips And Tricks

Unlocking door knob with hole Door Knobs
Unlocking door knob with hole Door Knobs from jamsjewels.com


Unlocking a door with a hole in the knob can be a frustrating situation. Whether you have accidentally locked yourself out or the lock mechanism is malfunctioning, knowing how to overcome this challenge can save you time and money. In this article, we will provide you with some useful tips and tricks to unlock a door with a hole in the knob.

1. Use a Bobby Pin or Paperclip

One of the simplest methods to unlock a door with a hole in the knob is by using a bobby pin or a paperclip. Straighten the clip and insert it into the hole, applying gentle pressure. Wiggle it around until you feel the lock mechanism release. This method might require some practice, but it can save the day in an emergency.

2. Try a Credit Card

If the bobby pin or paperclip method doesn’t work, you can attempt to unlock the door using a credit card. Choose a flexible card, such as a gift card or an expired credit card, and insert it between the door frame and the lock. Wiggle and push the card downwards to try and disengage the lock’s bolt. Again, this technique might require some practice to master.

3. Use a Door Jammer or Wedge

If you have access to a door jammer or a wedge, it can be a handy tool to unlock a door with a hole in the knob. Insert the jammer or wedge between the door frame and the door itself, creating a gap. Use a long and thin object, such as a screwdriver, to reach the lock mechanism through the gap and manipulate it to unlock the door.

4. Call a Professional Locksmith

If the DIY methods mentioned above fail, it’s time to call in the professionals. Locksmiths have the expertise and specialized tools to unlock doors without causing damage. They can quickly assess the situation and choose the most appropriate method to unlock the door with a hole in the knob.

5. Preventive Measures

Avoiding the need to unlock a door with a hole in the knob is always the best solution. Regular maintenance and lubrication of the lock mechanism can prevent it from getting stuck. Additionally, consider keeping a spare key in a secure location or with a trusted neighbor to avoid lockout situations.


Unlocking a door with a hole in the knob can be a challenging task, but with the right techniques, it can be accomplished. Remember to stay calm and assess the situation before attempting any methods. If all else fails, don’t hesitate to call a professional locksmith for assistance. By taking preventive measures, you can minimize the chances of getting locked out in the future. We hope these tips and tricks help you overcome this common predicament.