Objection To Qme Panel

FNS supports objection to mining association's statements against
FNS supports objection to mining association's statements against from fns.bc.ca


When it comes to workers’ compensation cases, a Qualified Medical Evaluator (QME) plays a crucial role in determining the extent of an employee’s injury and the appropriate compensation they should receive. However, there may be instances where either party involved in the case wants to raise an objection to the assigned QME panel. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind such objections and the process involved.

Reasons for Objection

There are several reasons why an objection to the QME panel may arise. One common reason is a perceived bias or conflict of interest on the part of the assigned QME. For example, if the injured employee believes that the QME has a history of favoring employers or insurance companies, they may choose to object to the panel and request a different evaluator.

Another reason for objection could be the QME’s lack of expertise in dealing with a specific type of injury or medical condition. In such cases, both parties may agree that it is in the best interest of the injured employee to have a QME with specialized knowledge in that particular area.

The Objection Process

When a party wishes to object to the assigned QME panel, they must follow a specific process. Firstly, they need to file a written objection with the appropriate workers’ compensation board or administrative body. This objection should clearly outline the reasons for the objection and provide any supporting evidence or documentation.

Once the objection is filed, the board will review it and consider the merits of the objection. They may request additional information or conduct a hearing to gather more evidence before making a final decision. During this process, both parties will have the opportunity to present their arguments and challenge the validity of the objection.

Resolution of Objections

After reviewing the objection and considering all relevant factors, the board will make a decision regarding the objection. If they find the objection to be valid, a new QME panel will be assigned, and the evaluation process will be restarted. However, if the objection is deemed unfounded or insufficient, the original QME panel will remain in place, and the evaluation will proceed as scheduled.

Tips for Objecting to a QME Panel

Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind when objecting to a QME panel:

1. Gather Sufficient Evidence

Ensure that you have gathered enough evidence to support your objection. This may include medical reports, witness statements, or any other relevant documentation that highlights the reasons for your objection.

2. Seek Legal Advice

Consult with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney who can guide you through the objection process and help strengthen your case. They will have the expertise to navigate the legal intricacies and ensure that your rights are protected.

3. Be Clear and Concise

When filing your objection, clearly state the reasons for your objection and provide specific examples or instances that support your claim. Avoid vague or ambiguous language that may weaken your argument.

4. Follow the Timeline

Adhere to the specific timelines and deadlines set by the workers’ compensation board for filing objections. Failing to meet these deadlines may result in the rejection of your objection.


Objecting to a QME panel is an important step in ensuring a fair and unbiased evaluation in workers’ compensation cases. By understanding the reasons for objection and following the proper process, individuals can seek a new QME panel when necessary. It is crucial to gather sufficient evidence, seek legal advice, and be clear in stating the reasons for objection to increase the chances of a successful outcome.